As the national lockdown restrictions start to ease, it’s important to remember to continue wearing your protective cloth face masks when you are out in public.
Face masks help to prevent the transmission of COVID-19 by stopping the spread of respiratory droplets when people talk, sneeze or cough.
The National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD) recommends that members of the general public wear cloth face masks when using public transport or when going out to the shops. Whether they are sick or healthy.
The reason for wearing the cloth mask in public is that it can be difficult to stay the required 1,5m away from people (correct social distancing) when you find yourself in these situations. Also, studies have shown that people can spread the virus even if they don’t have any symptoms or before they have symptoms.
What kind of cloth face mask should I be wearing?
According to the NICD, you should not wear just any cloth mask. It has set down specific recommendations for cloth masks so that they are effective in preventing the spread of COVID-19. Here are some of the recommendations:
- The mask should have 3 layers
- The mask should cover from above the nose to below the chin and up to the ears
- The mask should tie behind the head with ties from the top and bottom of the mask or elastic that hooks over the ears
Branded designer cloth masks for adults and kids
As a leading supplier of digital fabric printing, Digital Fabric Solutions is now manufacturing bulk quantities of cloth masks. These masks are available for sale to both corporates and individuals.
We have a wide range of stock designs available with more favourable prices for larger orders.
Putting the face mask on and taking it off
The NICD recommends washing or sanitising your hands before putting on your face mask.
While wearing the mask ensure that you do not touch your face, fiddle with the mask, touch the mask with your hands or remove it if it’s wet or damp.
When removing the mask, ensure that you only touch the straps to remove the mask away from your face; wash it immediately or store in a container once removed, and wash or sanitise your hands after removing the mask.
It is important to remember to wash your mask daily with soap and hot water. It’s best to dry the mask in the sun and iron it once dry. And remember – do not share your mask with anyone!